Yeshua, The Gift of Salvation!
Greetings dear partner,
I, along with the entire staff of Jesus Calls International, SEESHA, and Karunya University want to wish you and your family Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year 2021.
We read in John 1:14, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel”. Jesus Christ, who was in Heaven, seated at the right hand of God, humbled Himself, came to earth Born through a virgin and made His dwelling among man. He chose not to be born in royalty or in a palace but chose to be born in a Manger (Luke 2:12) in the lowliest manner we could ever imagine. He humbled himself just to be born as one among us, and make his dwelling in our hearts, so today we can call upon Him as ABBA FATHER, and He is waiting to listen to our cries and answer it no matter how impossible it looks for us (Jeremiah 33:3).
In order to make our lives a dwelling place for God almighty, we have to surrender our life, our thoughts, our heart, and our will into His will and live a life pleasing in His sight. I am led to take you through a journey of the life of Mary when she was conceived by the Holy Spirit to show you what surrendering into the will of God means. Imagine the thoughts and worries that would have gone through the mind of Mary who was not married but just engaged to Joseph when the Angel of the Lord-Gabriel conveyed to her who was a virgin that she was to give birth to Jesus and was to be conceived by the Holy Spirit. Mary not thinking about anything just surrendered herself to the will of God without hesitation (Luke 1:38), and today the whole world is blessed with the Messiah because of her obedience to God’s word. Yes, my friend, I believe strongly in my spirit that you will be blessed, and the blessing received by you will be used by God to be a blessing to someone else in need. Praying for God’s protection over you and your loved ones this Christmas Season in Jesus\’s Name. Amen.
I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for all your valuable contributions this past year. Just like how Mary and Joseph surrendered their life to the will of God, obeying God, bought forth the greatest gift to all of humanity by the birth of Jesus Christ. Likewise, you have obeyed the word of God and sacrificially supported the ministry of Jesus Calls International through your valuable prayers and contributions in-spite of the financial constraints caused by the pandemic which has caused us to Birth the Lord Jesus Christ in the houses of millions around the world this past year through our various humanitarian efforts, and social media outreaches.
Today, I encourage you our dear partner to enable us to take the life-changing power of God around the world through sharing the word of God in person through our Social Media ministry or by visiting our website. Your contributions of any amount towards the Israel Prayer Tower will surely enable us to answer the very heartbeat of Jesus Christ. (Click here for your contribution)
Your gift of any amount will surely support the mission of turning a needy SOUL to find hope through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you once again for all you do to extend the kingdom of God around the world.
We are blessed to know the greatest answer to life is only found in the cross through JESUS CHRIST; Has our neighbor found this greatest answer? Help us help them find their greatest gift in life this Christmas Season!
Thank you once again for partnering with us for the expansion of the kingdom of God through your valuable prayers and financial support.
Praying for you
Your loving brother in Christ
Dr. Paul Dhinakaran
President, Jesus Calls International.
Monthly Blessing Message - December 2020
Israel 101: Kislev

Kislev is a month of stark contrasts and a time when we have the great privilege to choose if we will walk in joy and hope, or fear and doubt. How are you reacting to your circumstances and situations now? Do some things need to change? Biblically speaking it is a month of decision and finality, of both judgement and awakening. So, what will it be this time around? While it is known as the month of hope and dreams, it is also the darkest month in the Biblical calendar with nights growing longer and days shorter. It is the precursor to the beginning of winter, but also the month of Chanukah, the Festival of Lights from Kislev 25 to Tevet 3 (December 11th to December 18th). Historically, Chanukah took place in a time of deep division in Israel between the Hellenized Jews who strayed from the Word of God and worshipped the gods of the Greeks, and those who kept Torah as the law worshipping only YHWH. That ended with the Hellenists being defeated, and the miracle of the oil that did not run out, keeping the Menorah lit for seven days for the dedication of the temple until more could be made. Interestingly, if Yeshua was born during Sukkot, it is likely He was conceived during Chanukah and the Winter Solstice. “The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world” (John 1:9).
Not only individually are we being challenged this month, but as we look at the state of the nations and Israel, the chasm between those who live according to Scripture and Biblical values, and those who do not is growing deeper and wider. In these exciting times, what is being stirred up within you? Fear and uncertainty, or faith? If we surround ourselves and inundate ourselves with voices of doubt and anxiety, we tend to take on those characteristics. However, if we spend more time in the Word with Adonai than we do watching mainstream media and social media controlled by Big Tech firms, naturally we will take on His characteristics and hear His voice above all others. The Light of the world has come Kingdom Family! Now is the time to let faith arise. Do not be dismayed, Adonai is moving everything into position so that He alone will be glorified for His namesake, not man’s.
You are invited to come, stay! Prophesy for the nations.
The Israel prayer tower can host Prayer group in the batch of 10-12 people, we have two dorm type accommodation for 6 and 8 beds, fully equipped kitchen with Dining area. We can also host prayer conference in a fully equipped conference hall with seating capacity of 150 persons. The prayer tower can host small groups for individual prayers and conference for (150 Persons) with a view of Mount of Olives, temple mount and Walled old city of Jerusalem. We are looking for 288 prayer intercessors a year, 12 per batch for 15 days and 24 persons for each month from all over the world. We will like to invite you and all the church members to come, stay and pray or sponsor someone for a week or for 2 weeks . You are invited to partner with us in prayer OR Please help us by sponsoring one or more prayer intercessors two weeks.
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